Red Jacket Capital
We Protect Your Wealth By Minimizing Taxation
Free Hard Assets Assessment ($5,000 Value)
Order your affairs to minimize tax
If you are in the top tax bracket and you fail to order your affairs to minimize tax, then over half of your marginal income goes to the government in income tax.
Of what’s left, some goes to various governments in the form of sales tax, property tax, fuel tax and user fees. And if you own a business, its income is taxed first and then when you extract what is left it is taxed again personally.
Taxes are a highly destructive and direct charge against your wealth.
Indirect tax, in the form of inflation is the silent killer. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon caused by “soft money” policies. In general, soft money refers to “fiat currency”, printed by central banks to fund government spending. For Canadians, soft money comes in the form of “Loonies”. As new Loonies get printed, the existing Loonies that store your wealth become less valuable. This inflationary force isn’t a direct hit to your wealth the way taxes are, but it slowly and surely destroys your wealth over time.
A Hard Asset Assessment looks at all your assets and considers the two major forces that will impact them; taxes and inflation. We look at what will happen to your family net worth if you do nothing. And we look at how you might exploit those forces to your benefit. We suggest specific strategies and help you implement them. They include borrowing (soft) money to invest in scarce (hard) assets, insurance, tax reduction and avoidance (legitimate) strategies. We predict the future value of your family net worth under both scenarios - status quo versus our recommendations.
Contact: Dave Sanderson, LL.B, President & Co-Founder
Send Dave a message below with any questions that you have about how Red Jacket Capital might be able to help you minimize your taxes.
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We Protect Your Wealth By Minimizing Taxation